Thursday, June 18, 2009

Emily says...

We have continued staying at the children's home and building relationships with the kids there. We have visited 4 refugee camps/villages. Just to give you an idea of these villages, one of them was a large building with basically cubicle like structures made of sticks which were the families' home. Going to these places really gives us a new appreciation for many things we take for granted. Monday we will leave the children's home to go stay in a village similar to the ones we have visited. We are a bit nervous because we don't know what exactly to expect, what we will be doing, or even how long we will be there! We are ready though. We'll really be putting "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength," to the test. I know we can do it, for us it will only be a few weeks at most. Some of the children we have gotten to know at the home are from this village, not to mention the many other children we haven't met yet who live in these villages. It's not just a few weeks for them, it's life.

Just a few more random tid-bits: we've been having an unwelcome visitor in our room the past few nights while we are trying to sleep. A rat!

There are some things that seem pretty universal: 1. God, 2. smiles, 3. high-fives, 4. kids with bubblewrap

To the Jefferson people, we are going through the book of Acts for our daily quiet times, this makes me think of y'all every morning.


  1. praying for Christ to shine through you at the children's home and then in the village where you will go. miss your beautiful face but so glad to know you are serving the Lord!

    Love you, Michelle

  2. I know that God is using each and every one of you to glorify him and his purpose! Hope everything is going well! :)

    Be careful. :)

  3. Hey Girl! I am so glad to hear an update! I am praying for you and thinking of you so much as you are on this trip. :) Can't wait to hear MORE!!!

    your sis
